It's the eve of New Year's Eve so this will be a short post – a day in the garden and sunshine means that I'm well into holiday mode.
But a post from Facebook caught my eye tonight. It had a link to the Time Magazine website where they'd posted a video called What happens in one minute on Facebook?
As you can see for yourself the video takes a cheeky leaf from Google's video library with a quick-fire tour of the incredible numbers happening every minute on Facebook. For example, there are 78,364 Wall Posts per minute, 135,849 Photo Uploads and 510,404 Comments every 60 seconds. So the numbers are staggering and point to the power behind this global electronic phenomenon.
But I have to say that I much prefer Google's original video technique, this year displayed in Zeitgeist 2010: the year in review – you can also view it in the above right column here. Google's message is about what 'search' can mean for people or individuals and how the ability to find something efficiently and effectively can changes lives. So while the Facebook video tells us how wonderful Facebook is – because it's huge – the real strength, as always, is how it makes a difference to us personally or for the things we care about.
Mind you, having gone to the Facebook page to view the comments and link to the video, I noticed this comment under the heading: Best Facebook Moment of 2010 from Marianne Meehan: "I want to express my sincere gratitude for FB! I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer in April 2010. This was a very terrifying experience for me. But here I stand, in total remission. I have reconnected with some old friends and The Pink Sisterhood. They have inspired me, loved me & kept my spirits high..."
To me the real power of social media is the ability to make rapid and useful connections that can make a difference for someone. In any event, I can't comprehend 135,849 Photo Uploads in one minute.
By the way, in the time it took me to write this post, another 200 people had clicked 'Like' on the Facebook page.